[BRLTTY] Configuring Handytech Braillestar 80

Sebastian Humenda shumenda at gmx.de
Tue Mar 17 08:34:18 EDT 2020


I have a Handytech Braillestar 80 that has eight keys at a place where they
are not useful at all and are often pressed by accident. I would like to
disable them but am unsure which key names to look for. In the general braille
key help, I see a note on the special numpad keyboard that this display has
but no explanation of the front keys. Further down in the help, I see
"braille keyboard dot<NUM>" and there I see that e.g. dot8 is mapped to b8
which corresponds to the help screen. How can I find out the name used in the
ktb/kti files of /etc/brltty? What is the easiest way to let BRLTTY ignore
"braille keyboard dot1-8"?

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