[BRLTTY] Configuring Handytech Braillestar 80

Mario Lang mlang at blind.guru
Tue Mar 17 09:50:39 EDT 2020

Sebastian Humenda <shumenda at gmx.de> writes:

> I have a Handytech Braillestar 80 that has eight keys at a place where they
> are not useful at all and are often pressed by accident. I would like to
> disable them but am unsure which key names to look for. In the general braille
> key help, I see a note on the special numpad keyboard that this display has
> but no explanation of the front keys. Further down in the help, I see
> "braille keyboard dot<NUM>" and there I see that e.g. dot8 is mapped to b8
> which corresponds to the help screen.

You are looking for

B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, SpaceLeft and SpaceRight

> What is the easiest way to let BRLTTY ignore "braille keyboard
> dot1-8"?

If this is the only HandyTech Braille Star model that you are using,
the easiest way is probably to comment out the following
lines from /etc/brltty/Input/ht/bs.kti:

bind SpaceLeft+RoutingKey PRINDENT
bind SpaceRight+RoutingKey NXINDENT

bind SpaceLeft FWINLT
bind SpaceRight FWINRT
bind SpaceLeft+SpaceRight PASTE

bind B1+SpaceLeft LNBEG
bind B1+SpaceRight LNEND
bind B2+SpaceLeft TOP
bind B2+SpaceRight BOT
bind B3+SpaceLeft HWINLT
bind B3+SpaceRight HWINRT
bind B6+SpaceLeft CHRLT
bind B6+SpaceRight CHRRT
bind B2+B3+SpaceLeft MUTE
bind B2+B3+SpaceRight SAY_LINE

include dots.kti

However, as you perhaps noticed, there are a number of useful
combinations amongst those bindings.  I am not sure if you just want to
disable the single key combinations related to braille keys, or really
all of them.  If you just want the single combination keys, you probably
to look through dots.kti and comment out those that you don't like.


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